

  秉持着"矢志不渝 追求完美"的精神,自2005年至今,实现了每一年的不断超越与变革。为了更好的诠释品牌的精神,以2011年上海国际车展为平台,将应用全新的展台形象。

  In the spirit of "The passionate pursuit of perfection", has always been self-surpassing and innovative since 2005. In order to better interpret the spirit of the brand. As a platform that the is going to implement a new exhibition booth image in SHMS, 2011.   

  可以想象,在上海国际车展这个重量级的舞台上,各个厂商的竞争将何等的激烈。面对德系豪华品牌的摩拳擦掌,从容以对。全新的展台设计根植于品牌的核心元素上,从根本上实现了独一无二的品牌诠释。此次将 Service(服务), Power(动力), Choice(选择), Technology(技术)四种品牌元素融入展台设计及区域划分,分别设置了HV油电混合动力区,小排量车种区以及G-BOOK智能副驾展示区,从整体到细节无不将"全面豪华"的品牌理念展现得淋漓尽致。

  You can imagine in such a critical stage, the competition would be extremely intense. faced challenges from luxury German made brands calmly. This new booth design has interpreted the brand uniquely that based upon brand's core principle. It integrated four brand elements such as Service, Power, Choice, and Technology into booth design and regions. It built up with several separate areas, for instance, HV hybrid area, small-displacement vehicles area, and G-BOOK area. It shows the brand of "comprehensive luxury" perfectly.   

  从设计方面而言,致力于"用最少的元素来实现最纯粹的表达",并将其一贯注重的"全面豪华"理念及其所源于的这四种品牌元素,潜移默化地融于设计中。在本届国际车展上,更是运用『Incisive Simpli(純)』,『Intriguing Elegance(妙)』, 『Seamless Anticipation(予)』三大设计哲学精彩演绎,力求通过材料质感与设计线条的完美配合营造一种简约而超脱却又不失豪华感的意境。

  From the perspective of design, applies the of "less elements, pure expression" into its design, this combined with "comprehensive luxury" idea that comes from four brand elements. In SHMS, In order to present simple and elegant image with luxury through the quality of materials and design, it applies three design philosophies which are 『Incisive Simpli(純)』,『Intriguing Elegance(妙)』, and『Seamless Anticipation(予)』.


  We believe in SHMS, 2011, is going to present its unique brand gene via outstanding booth design. In order to attract attentions around the world, aims to provide a perfect environment for people to have an incredible experience in SHMS.